VAB-Rijschool stelt CUPRA Born voor als nieuwe elektrische leswagen

VAB-Rijschool x CUPRA BORN

  • VAB-Rijschool wil pioniersrol in België op zich nemen en zet vol in op elektrische leswagens
  • VAB-Rijschool kiest voor CUPRA Born als elektrische lesauto
  • Kunstenaar Patrick Croes zorgt samen met WHAM office voor kleurrijke wrapping

Elektrisch rijden is de toekomst en VAB-Rijschool, wil in dat verhaal in ons land graag een pioniersrol op zich nemen. In die optiek wil VAB als eerste rijschool in België vol inzetten op het gebruik van elektrische voertuigen (EV) voor rijlessen. Vanmorgen werden de twee allereerste – gewrapte – elektrische rijleswagens onthuld.

“Als eerste rijschool in België wil VAB verder gaan dan enkel de gimmick van één elektrisch voertuig, maar vol inzetten op het gebruik van elektrische voertuigen voor rijlessen”, vertelt algemeen directeur VAB-Rijschool Peter Landsheere. “Zo startte VAB in september al met een specifieke EV-opleiding voor onze lesgevers. Momenteel zijn 16 van onze 260 lesvoertuigen (6%) automaat, dat worden er in het najaar 34. Hierdoor zal binnenkort 13 procent van het totale leswagenbestand een elektrische automaat zijn. Bovendien zal vanaf 2023 elke nieuw aangekochte automaat een elektrisch voertuig zijn. Het doel is om richting 2026 naar 50 procent elektrische leswagens te gaan. In die optiek zullen we de komende drie jaar fors investeren in nieuwe EV’s.”

VAB zet vanaf nu meteen zes elektrische lesvoertuigen (CUPRA Born) in. Die zullen voortaan opduiken in het straatbeeld van Sint-Niklaas, Antwerpen, Gent, Brugge en Alken. Om het unieke karakter van dit project extra in de verf te zetten, kregen alle elektrische leswagens een apart en modern design aangemeten. Kunstenaar Patrick Croes zorgde in samenwerking met WHAM office voor een creatieve, kleurrijke wrapping van de wagens, waardoor deze ongetwijfeld zullen opvallen in het straatbeeld.

CU22-16N-VAB Born (2p).pdf

PDF - 178 Kb

CU22-16N-VAB Born.doc

DOC - 127 Kb

Dirk Steyvers

PR & Content Manager SEAT & CUPRA, s.a. D'Ieteren Automotive n.v.



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CUPRA is an unconventional challenger brand from the SEAT Group, based on stimulating style and contemporary performance. Since its launch as an independent brand in 2018, sales have shot up and CUPRA closed 2019 with a growth of 72% over the previous year with nearly 25,000 units sold. In 2020, the CUPRA Leon and the CUPRA Formentor, the first model designed specifically for the brand, will hit the market. CUPRA is expanding its dealer network to reach nearly 520 specialized points of sales around the world by the end of 2020.

Coinciding with its second anniversary, CUPRA has inaugurated its new headquarters in Martorell (Barcelona), the CUPRA Garage, a 2,400 square meter building located next to SEAT's corporate headquarters. CUPRA also has a racing car workshop, the CUPRA Racing Factory, where it developed the first 100% electric touring racing car, the CUPRA e-Racer. Moreover, CUPRA has become the first automotive brand to participate in the electric SUV off-road competition Extreme E.

In addition to becoming F.C. Barcelona’s exclusive automotive and mobility partner and World Padel Tour’s premium sponsor, CUPRA has formed an elite team of ambassadors, including the German goalkeeper Marc ter Stegen, the Swedish pilot Mattias Ekström and five of the best padel players in the world, among others.

Group profile

In existence since 1805, and across family generations, D’Ieteren seeks growth and value creation by pursuing a strategy on the long term for its businesses and actively encouraging and supporting them to develop their position in their industry or in their geographies. The Group has currently the following activities:

  • D'Ieteren Automotive distributes Volkswagen, Audi, SEAT, Škoda, Bentley, Lamborghini, Bugatti, Porsche and Yamaha vehicles in Belgium. It has a market share of around 22% and 1.2 million vehicles on the road. Its business model is evolving towards improving the lives of citizens with fluid, accessible and sustainable mobility. Sales and adjusted operating result reached respectively EUR 3.6 billion and EUR 119.0 million in FY 2019.
  • Belron (54.85% of the voting rights) has a clear purpose: “making a difference by solving people’s problems with real care”. It is the worldwide leader in vehicle glass repair and replacement and operates in 39 countries, through wholly owned businesses and franchises, with market leading brands – including Carglass®, Safelite® and Autoglass®. In addition, Belron manages vehicle glass and other insurance claims on behalf of insurance customers. Sales and adjusted operating result reached respectively EUR 4.2 billion and EUR 400.5 million in FY 2019.
  • Moleskine (100% owned) is a premium and aspirational lifestyle brand which develops and sells iconic branded notebooks and writing, travel and reading accessories through a multichannel distribution strategy across 114 countries. Sales and adjusted operating result reached respectively EUR 163.9 million and EUR 18.6 million in FY 2019.
  • D’Ieteren Immo (100%) groups together the Belgian real estate interests of D’Ieteren Group. It owns and manages approximately 30 properties which generated EUR 19.7 million net rental income in FY 2019. It also pursues investment projects and carries out studies into possible site renovations. 

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